
Amdal, Hay Djup, Hattaland, Hellemo, P Huynh, Ignatjeva, Lalaland, Eikaas Løken, Marchewka, Nissen, Ormøy, Pedersen, Rønning Prytz, Felipe Schelderup & Siqveland

Deconstructivism is the Teacher, Constructivism is the Preacher

07.12. – 08.12.2013

First year students of the Rogaland School of Art (Kunstskolen i Rogaland – KIR) have had a workshop, which has turned into an installation under Andreas Soma’s guidance. The theme for the exhibition is deconstruction and construction both mentally and physically, thereof the title.

The exhibition is comprised of objects, drawings, paintings, photo, sound, video work, performance, relational and process based works. 

Silje Amdal
Thomas Hay Djup
Solveig Hattaland
Mia Hellemo
Kim P Huynh
Karolina Ignatjeva
Janna Lalaland
Simen Eikaas Løken
Paulina Marchewka
Christine Nissen
Christian Ormøy
Espen Pedersen
Henriette Rønning Prytz
Frode Felipe Schelderup
Inga Siqveland


Saturday, 7.12.2013

Opening hours:

Sunday, 8.12.2013