
Tor-Finn Fitje & Thomas Anthony Hill

Ad Nauseam

21.02. – 23.02.2020

The multi-channel video installation «Ad Nauseum» (in collaboration with Thomas Anthony Hill), portrays a society where doubt no longer exists: neurologists have reached a complete understanding of the brain, the open kitchen solution has been decided upon by law and sweet has been voted to be the best taste in the world. Christianity and neo-atheism have merged to establish The Faitheist Church, while there is universal agreement on the latest rules of football. Through a style of writing that the artists have come to speak of as “undoubting narration”, the work can be understood as a critical response to the modernparadigm of truth, the conception that all ways of looking at the world can be equally true.The title refers to the argumentative fallacy where a discussion has been going on for so long that its topic is declared dead. This is particularly relevant in a time marked by heated debates on political correctness, fake news and the double role of contemporary art – both in and outside of capital.


Friday, 21.02.2020

Opening hours:
